Since 2021, Dick White Referrals (DWR) has been utilizing a PSA application from Oxysystems for their oxygen needs. With the recent expansion of the clinic, a second Oxygen generator for veterinary PSA has been implemented to meet the increased demand for oxygen
In 2022, the Cambridgeshire veterinary hospital announced a £15 million expansion plan, which was completed in 2023, tripling the size of the site. This significant expansion has transformed the practice, providing additional space and capacity for referrals, new equipment, and an enhanced client experience. The clinic now features sixteen new consulting rooms, bringing the total to 25, with separate waiting areas and wards for cats and dogs. —more about Dick White Referrals (DWR) in the previous study.

Dick White Referrals (DWR) Vet Clinic after the extension.

This setup offers a single contact point for clients, individual case managers, and a concierge service for booking appointments using iPads, replacing the traditional reception area. DWR now stands as a world-leading provider of specialist-led care for small animals.
< New reception area with impressive surroundings.
To support the increased need for oxygen, a dedicated extension was constructed for an additional oxygen generator for veterinary – Medical Oxygen PSA application.
This new installation provides another 5m³ of medical oxygen per hour, bringing the total capacity to 15m³ per hour when combined with the previous system housed in an external container. The installation includes two large medical oxygen tanks to meet the increased demand resulting from the expansion.
With two independent sources of onsite medical oxygen, complete monitoring for each application, and integration with solar power, DWR sets a benchmark for modern veterinary clinics.

The PSA systems housed in a counselled unit.
Oxysystems supports the clinic with an onsite support contract and dedicated monitoring, ensuring complete peace of mind. This allows the clinic to focus on treating dozens of animal patients daily.

Oxygen generator.

Oxygen tanks.